Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

310 algebra De mystif ieD

  1. A school district’s printing services department owns two printing presses. The
    department must produce an order of brochures. Press A would take 10 hours
    to produce the order, and Press B would take 8 hours. Press A is used alone for
    1 hour before Press B starts producing the brochures. After Press B joins in, how
    long will the presses need to complete the order?
    a. 3 hours
    b. 3.5 hours
    C. 4 hours
    D. 4.5 hours

  2. 80 is what percent of 125?
    a. 64%
    b. 75%
    C. 92%
    D. 156.25%

  3. The relationship between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius is given by
    the formula C = ^59 ()F –  32. For what temperature will degrees Celsius be 40 more
    than degrees Fahrenheit?
    a. −^90 C
    b. −^100 C
    C. −^120 C
    D. −^130 C

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