Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

chapter 9 Linear Inequalities

Because linear inequalities are similar to linear equations, many of the problems
in this chapter are similar to the problems in Chapters 7 and 8. Instead of hav-
ing a single number as a solution, the solution to an equality usually involves a
range (or interval) of numbers. We will learn how to solve linear inequalities
and how to represent these solutions in interval notation and as a shaded region
on the number line. We will also use inequalities to solve applied problems. For
example, suppose the directions on a bottle of medicine recommends storing
the bottle between 20°C and 30°C, we can use linear inequalities to find the
appropriate range of temperatures on the Fahrenheit scale.


In this chapter, you will

  • Represent an inequality by shading a region on the number line

  • Write the interval notation for an inequality

  • Solve linear inequalities

  • Solve double inequalities

  • Solve applied problems with linear inequalities

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