Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

322 algebra De mystif ieD

The plant should produce and sell more than 50,000 CDs per month in
order to make a profit.

Mary inherited $16,000 and will deposit it into two accounts, one paying
634 % interest and the other paying 521 % interest. What is the most she can
deposit into the 512 % account so that her interest at the end of a year will
be at least $960?
Let x = amount deposited in the 512 % account

0.055x = interest earned at 521 %
16,000 – x = amount deposited in the 634 % account
0.0675(16,000 – x) = interest earned at 643 %

We want the values of x for which the total interest is $960 or more, so we
solve Interest earned at 521 % + Interest earned at 634 % ≥  960.

0.055x + 0.0675(16,000 - x) ≥ 960
0 055 0 0675 16 000 960
0 055 1080 0 0675

..(, )


+- ≥ 9960
0 0125 1080 960
1080 1080
0 0125 120





0 0125

0 0125

≤ -




Mary can invest no more than $9600 in the 512 % account in order to receive
at least $960 interest at the end of the year.

An excavating company can rent a piece of equipment for $45,000 per year.
The company could purchase the equipment for monthly costs of
$2500 plus $20 for each hour it is used. How many hours per year
must the equipment be used to justify purchasing it rather than
renting it?
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