Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

chapter 10 Quadratic Equations

Linear equations and quadratic equations occur so much in algebra (and
calculus) that solving them eventually becomes second nature. We learned a
strategy in Chapter 7 that helps us to solve any linear equation. Here, we learn
a few strategies for solving quadratic equations. One of those strategies involves
the factoring methods that we learned in Chapter 6, and another involves an
important formula in mathematics —the quadratic formula. The strategies that
we develop here extend to other mathematics courses to solve larger families
of equations.


In this chapter, you will

  • Solve a quadratic equation by factoring

  • Solve a quadratic equation by extracting roots

  • Solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula

  • Solve equations that lead to quadratic equations

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