Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Chapter 11 QuaDraTiC appliCaTionS 443


0 1

77 343 210



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−= +=

50 60

rr 11 (Thisdoesnotleadtooasolution.)
r= 5

The jogger’s average speed to the park was 5 + 1 = 6 mph.


  1. A man rode his bike 6 miles to work. The wind reduced his average speed
    on the way home by 2 mph. The round trip took 1 hour 21 minutes. How
    fast was he riding on the way to work?

  2. On a road trip a saleswoman traveled 120 miles to visit a customer. She
    averaged 15 mph faster to the customer than on the return trip. She
    spent a total of 4 hours 40 minutes driving. What was her average speed
    on the return trip?

  3. A couple walked on the beach from their house to a public beach four
    miles away. They walked 0.2 mph faster on the way home than on the
    way to the public beach. They walked for a total of 2 hours 35 minutes.
    How fast did they walk home?

  4. A family drove from Detroit to Buffalo, a distance of 215 miles, for the
    weekend. They averaged 10 mph faster on the return trip. They spent a
    total of seven hours on the road. What was their average speed on the
    trip from Detroit to Buffalo? (Give your solution accurate to one decimal

  5. Boston and New York are 190 miles apart. A professor drove from his
    home in Boston to a conference in New York. On the return trip, he faced
    heavy traffic and averaged 17 mph slower than on his way to New York.
    He spent a total of 8 hours 5 minutes on the road. How long did his trip
    from Boston to New York last?


  1. Let r represent the man’s average speed on the way to work. Then r − 2
    represents the man’s average speed on his way home. The distance each
    way is 6 miles, so the time he rode to work is^6

, and the time he rode


  1. A man rode his bike 6 miles to work. The wind reduced his average speed
    on the way home by 2 mph. The round trip took 1 hour 21 minutes. How


  1. A man rode his bike 6 miles to work. The wind reduced his average speed

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