Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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deMYstiFied / algebra deMYstiFied / HuttenMuller / 000-0 / Chapter2

  1. Number of adult tickets sold = x.
    Number of children’s tickets sold = 450 − x.
    (Or x = number of children’s tickets and 450 − x = number of adult

  2. Retail selling price = x.
    Sale price =^1





x  orxxx−=xx−=xx− =x


  1. Length of the longest piece (in the given units) = x.
    Length of the shortest piece (in the given units) =
    51 x
    Length of the mid-length piece (in the given units) =

(^12) x


In this chapter, we learned how to:
• Simplify fractions containing variables. Simplify a fraction whose numer-
ator and/or denominator contain variables by dividing out common fac-
tors. Treat variables as if they were prime numbers. Only factors can be
divided out (canceled), not terms.
• Perform arithmetic on fractions that contain variables. The steps for adding,
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions containing variables are
the same we used in Chapter 1 to perform these operations on fractions
consisting of whole numbers.
• Simplify compound fractions containing variables. The steps for simplifying
compound fractions containing variables are the same as simplifying frac-
tions that don’t contain variables. Rewrite the fraction as a division prob-
lem and then as a multiplication problem.
• Use variables to represent unknown quantities in word problems. If a word
problem has only one unknown, we use x (or some other variable) to
represent the unknown quantity. If there are multiple unknowns, we usu-
ally let x represent one of the unknowns and then represent the other
unknowns in terms of x.

After covering the distributive property, we will work with a larger family of
fractions. Later in the book, we will use what we learned about fractions with
variables in them to solve equations, inequalities, and word problems.
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