Idiot\'s Guides Basic Math and Pre-Algebra

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

12 Part 1: The World of Numbers

Round each number to the specified place.

  1. 942 to the nearest hundred

  2. 29,348 to the nearest ten-thousand

  3. 1,725,854 to the nearest hundred-thousand

  4. 1,725,854 to the nearest thousand

  5. 1,725,854 to the nearest million

The Least You Need to Know

  • Our number system is a place value system based on powers of ten.

  • As you move to the left, the value of each place is multiplied by 10.

  • An exponent is a small number written to the upper right of a base number.
    The exponent tells you how many of the base number to multiply together.

  • Scientific notation is a system of writing large numbers as a number between 1
    and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

  • Round a number to a certain place by looking at the next place, rounding up if the
    next digit is 5 or more and down it’s 4 of less.

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