Idiot\'s Guides Basic Math and Pre-Algebra

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2 Arithmetic

In This Chapter

  • Practice addition with

  • Learn to look for compat-
    ible numbers

  • Practice subtraction with

  • Make change for mental

  • Practice multiplication of
    multi-digit numbers

  • Practice the long division

The last chapter focused on the world of numbers and how to
express those numbers in words and symbols. The next step is
investigating how to work with numbers. In other words, it’s
time to look at arithmetic.
The two fundamental operations of arithmetic are addition
and multiplication (and multiplication is actually a shortcut
for repeated addition). Subtraction and division are usually
included in the basics of arithmetic, but you’ll see that these
are really operations that reverse on addition and multipli-
cation. We’ll look at the basics of skillful arithmetic and
introduce some strategies that may make the work easier.

Addition and Subtraction .......................................................................................................

The counting numbers came to be because people needed to
count. Soon thereafter, people started putting together and
taking apart the things, or groups of things, they had counted.
If you have 3 fish and your best buddy has 5 fish, you have a
pretty satisfying meal (unless you invite 20 friends, but that’s
division and that’s later). You could put all the fish in a pile
and count them again, but soon you get the notion of 3 + 5
= 8. And if you only eat 4 fish, again, you could count the
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