38 Part 1: The World of Numbers
Try to get in the habit of calling a number less than zero “negative” rather than
“minus.” The word “minus” signals subtraction, and not everything you do with
numbers less than zero is a subtraction. Talking about “negative 4” reminds you that
it’s the opposite of “positive 4.”
The Integers
We call the set of whole numbers and their opposites integers. The set of integers can be written
like this: {..., -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}. The order in which the numbers are written conveys
their value. Any negative number is less than zero. The more you owe, the less you have, so -5
is less than -3. Just as the counting numbers, or positive numbers, go up forever without end, the
negative numbers go down forever.
The integers are the set of numbers that include all the positive whole numbers and
their opposites, the negative whole numbers, and zero.
The Number Line
One way to visualize the integers is to place them on a number line. Usually the line is drawn
horizontally, but you could make a vertical number line if you chose. Zero is marked at a point on
the line, and then the line is broken into sections of equal length, to the left and the right of zero.
The positive numbers are placed on equally spaced marks to the right of 0, getting larger as you
move to the right. The negative numbers are placed on equally spaced marks to the left of 0,
with -1 at the first mark left of 0, then -2 at the next mark to the left, and then -3 and so on. The
arrows on the ends of the line remind you that the numbers keep going. (We’ll fill in the spaces
between the integers soon.)
When you compare two numbers, remember that the number to the left is the smaller one. The
number 5 is to the left of 9 on the number line, so 5 is less than 9, and you know that -8 is smaller
than -1 because -8 is to the left of -1 on the number line. Any negative number is smaller than
any positive number, and the negatives are to the left of zero and the positives are to the right.
-8-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 12345678