The Algebra Teacher\'s Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
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To solve systems of equations with the addition-or-subtraction method, do the following:

  1. Decide if you will add or subtract to obtain an equation that has only one variable. If the
    coefficients of one of the variables are opposite, add the equations. If the coefficients
    of one of the variables are the same, subtract the second equation from the first. Solve
    the equation.

  2. Substitute the value of the variable in one of the original equations and solve.

  3. Check your solution in both of the original equations.

Addition method Subtraction method
3 x− 2 y= 13 3 x+ 5 y= 10
4 x+ 2 y= 8 Add to eliminate they-terms. 3 x+ y= 2 Subtract to eliminate thex-terms.
7 x=21 Solve forx.4y=8Solvefory.
x= 3 y= 2
3(3)− 2 y= 13 3 x+5(2)= 10
9 − 2 y= 13 3 x+ 10 = 10
− 2 y= 43 x= 0
y=− 2 x= 0

DIRECTIONS: Solve each system of equations.

  1. 2 a− 3 b= 12 2. 4 a−b= 10 3. 5 x− 5 y= 0
    a+ 3 b= 6 − 4 a+ 8 b= 32 5 x− 2 y= 6

  2. a−b= 2 5. 8 a+ 3 b=− 27
    − 3 a+b=− 22 a− 3 b=− 3

CHALLENGE:Canx− 8 y=−40 and− 5 x= 8 − 8 ybe solved using the
addition-or-subtraction method? Explain your reasoning and solve the
problem, if possible.




2011 by Judith A. Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla, and Erin Muschla. All rights reserved.

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