The Algebra Teacher\'s Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Teaching Notes 3.22: Using Matrices—Addition, Subtraction,

and Scalar Multiplication

Many students find matrices confusing. Much of the confusion is a result of the specialized
vocabulary of matrices.

  1. Explain that a matrix is a set of numbers arranged in rows and columns, usually enclosed in
    brackets. Point out that a matrix is composed of rows and columns. A matrix is named by a
    capital letter.

  2. Explain that the number of rows and columns represent the dimensions of a matrix. For
    example, a matrix with three rows and two columns is a 3×2 matrix. The number of rows
    precedes the number of columns.

  3. Explain that the numbers in a matrix are called the ‘‘elements,’’ or ‘‘entries,’’ of the matrix.

  4. Explain the steps for adding or subtracting matrices. Matrices must have the same dimen-
    sions if they are to be added or subtracted. To add or subtract matrices, add or subtract cor-
    responding elements to obtain a matrix of the same dimension. If matrices have different
    dimensions, they cannot be added or subtracted.

  5. Explain that to multiply a matrix by a number, which is called a ‘‘scalar,’’ students must mul-
    tiply each element by the scalar.

  6. Review the information and examples on the worksheet with your students. Remind them
    that each element of a matrix is an integer. They must follow the rules for adding, sub-
    tracting, and multiplying integers. They should be particularly careful when working with
    negative numbers.

If two matrices have different dimensions, they cannot be added or subtracted, but every matrix,
regardless of its dimensions, can be multiplied by a scalar.




− 24






− 19




6 − 8

− 12 − 16




− 33






− 924

−12 18

⎦ (7)


10 − 5


⎦ (8)Impossible

(Challenge)Yes, provided they have the same dimensions.


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