The Algebra Teacher\'s Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


ALGEBRA IS THE BRIDGEbetween basic and higher mathematics. Studying algebra sharpens students’
overall proficiency in math, develops problem-solving strategies and skills, and fosters the ability
to recognize, analyze, and express mathematical relationships. Students who master algebra
usually go on to be successful in higher mathematics such as geometry, trigonometry, and
The Algebra Teacher’s Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skillsconsists of 150
mini-lessons divided into eight sections:

  • Section 1:Integers, Variables, and Expressions

  • Section 2:Rational Numbers

  • Section 3:Equations and Inequalities

  • Section 4:Graphs of Points and Lines

  • Section 5:Monomials and Polynomials

  • Section 6:Rational Expressions

  • Section 7:Irrational and Complex Numbers

  • Section 8:Functions
    The mini-lessons presented in the sections are based on a general algebra curriculum. Many of
    the mini-lessons in Sections 1 and 2 focus on prerequisite skills that students must master if they
    are to succeed in algebra.
    Each mini-lesson, consisting of teaching notes and a reproducible worksheet, concentrates on
    a specific algebraic concept or skill studentsoften have trouble mastering. Each mini-lesson
    requires only a few minutes to deliver and can be used with individual students, groups, or the
    whole class.
    The teaching notes provide background information on the topic and suggestions for
    instruction. Each includes an ‘‘extra help’’ statement that you may share with your students about
    the topic of the mini-lesson. Answer keys are included at the end of each mini-lesson, making it
    easy for you to check your students’ answers to the problems on the worksheets.
    The reproducible worksheets provide your students with additional practice, helping them to
    master the concept or skill on which the mini-lesson focuses. The typical worksheet contains
    information for students, examples, and problems, culminating with a ‘‘challenge’’ problem that
    requires higher-level thinking. For these problems, students must demonstrate their
    understanding of the material by identifying faulty reasoning, explaining a process, or correcting
    a procedure. You may assign any or all of the problems, depending on the needs of your students.

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