These rules also work for subtraction:
Variants of these rules work for division as long as the divisor (or denominator) consists of a
single nonzero variable, and never a sum or difference. Therefore
(x+y)/z=x/z+y /z
(x−y)/z=x /z−y /z
Zero numerator
For all nonzero real numbers x, if 0 is divided by x, then the quotient is equal to 0:
0/x= 0
Zero denominator
For all real numbers x, if x is divided by 0, then the quotient is undefined:
x /0 = (undefined)
Multiplication by zero
Whenever a real number x is multiplied by 0, the product is equal to 0:
x 0 = 0
0 x= 0
0th power
Whenever a nonzero real number x is taken to the 0th power, the result is equal to 1:
x^0 = 1 when x≠ 0
How Real Variables Behave 135