136 Irrational and Real Numbers
Product of signs
When two real numbers with plus signs (meaning positive, or larger than 0) or minus signs
(meaning negative, or less than 0) are multiplied by each other, the following rules apply:
(+)(+)= (+)
(+)(−)= (−)
(−)(+)= (−)
(−)(−)= (+)
Quotient of signs
When two real numbers with plus or minus signs are divided by each other, the following
rules apply:
(+) / (+)= (+)
(+) / (−)= (−)
(−) / (+)= (−)
(−) / (−)= (+)
Power of signs
When a real number with a plus sign or a minus sign is raised to a positive integer power, n,
the following rules apply:
(+)n= (+)
(−)n= (−) if n is odd
(−)n= (+) if n is even
Reciprocal of reciprocal
For all nonzero real numbers, x, the reciprocal of the reciprocal is equal to the original number:
1/(1/x)=x whenx≠ 0
More Rules for Real Variables
Here are some more sophisticated rules for expression morphing. As with the facts in the
previous section, you don’t have to try to memorize these. It can help if you work out a few
examples using numbers in place of the variables. Some of the restrictions here, in which
variables are not allowed to equal 0, are a little stronger than necessary to keep things straight-
forward and to be sure we stay safe!