140 Irrational and Real Numbers
is irrational. But you can “zoom in” on it. Divide out the fractions 59/19 and 60/19 with a calculator to
obtain their decimal expansions. These are both rational numbers, and you’ve learned how you can take
any number to a rational-number power. If you expand them to five decimal places, and then display π
to the same number of places (using a calculator with a π key), you will see that π is between these two
59/19 = 3.10526 ...
π= 3.14159 ...
60/19 = 3.15789 ...
That means
59/19<π< 60/19
You should now be able to imagine, without too much trouble, that
2 59/19< 2 π< 2 60/19
The “mystery number” is in that interval somewhere. It’s a real number, and it corresponds to its own
special point on a real-number line. You can indeed raise a number, variable, or expression to an irrational
Here’s a challenge!
Suppose x, y, andz are real numbers, with x≠ 0 and y≠ 0. Show that if you take x to the yth power and
then take the result to the zth power, you do not necessarily get the same result as if you take x to the
power of yz.
All we have to do is find a numerical example where the two expressions don’t agree. There are plenty! Let
x= 2, y= 9, and z= 1/2. Then xy= 29 = 512. If we raise 512 to the 1/2 power, we get 22.627 ..., an endless,
nonrepeating decimal. Now consider yz. That’s 91/2, or 3. If we raise x, which is 2, to the power of 3, we get 8.
Practice Exercises
This is an open-book quiz. You may (and should) refer to the text as you solve these problems.
Don’t hurry! You’ll find worked-out answers in App. A. The solutions in the appendix may not
represent the only way a problem can be figured out. If you think you can solve a particular
problem in a quicker or better way than you see there, by all means try it!
- Which of the following quantities can we reasonably suspect is irrational?
(a) 163/4
(b) (1/4)1/2
(c) (−27)−1/3
(d) 271/2