Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

190 Equations and Inequalities

We can say this in a more intuitive way by turning it around and reversing the sense of the inequality, so
we have

x> 34

This is the standard way to state the solution to any single-variable algebra problem. We put the variable
all by itself on the left-hand side of the relation symbol, and a plain numeral all by itself on the right.

Here’s a final challenge!
In terms of an inequality statement and set notation, describe how the nonnegative integers relate to the
negative real numbers.

Let’s call the set of nonnegative integers Z 0 +, and the set of negative reals R−. Any negative real number we
choose will be smaller than any nonnegative integer we choose. Therefore, if x is an element of Z 0 + and y is
an element of R−, then x is larger than y. In logical form along with set notation, we can write this as

[(x∈Z 0 +) & (y∈R−)]⇒x>y

Practice Exercises

This is an open-book quiz. You may (and should) refer to the text as you solve these problems.
Don’t hurry! You’ll find worked-out answers in App. B. The solutions in the appendix may not
represent the only way a problem can be figured out. If you think you can solve a particular
problem in a quicker or better way than you see there, by all means try it!

  1. Suppose we see this equation:
    7/2= 14/4 = 21/6
    How can we simplify this using the rules for equation morphing, so we get a statement
    that says a positive integer is equal to itself?

  2. How can we morph the equation in Prob. 1 so we get a statement to the effect that a
    negative integer is equal to itself?

  3. What happens if we multiply an equation through by the number 0? What happens if
    we multiply an equation through by a variable or expression that ultimately turns out to
    equal 0, although don’t know it at the time?

  4. In terms of an inequality statement and set notation, describe how the negative integers
    relate to the natural numbers. Here’s a hint: Use the same approach as we did in the
    final challenge.

  5. In terms of an inequality statement and set notation, describe how the nonpositive real
    numbers relate to the nonnegative real numbers. Here’s a hint: Use the same approach
    as we did in the final challenge.

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