Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

250 Graphs of Linear Relations

  1. Imagine two points P and Q plotted on the Cartesian plane, where the independent
    variable is u and the dependent variable is v. Point P is defined by (−1,−6), and Q is
    defined (2, 2). What is the slope of the line connecting these two points if we go in the
    direction from P to Q?

  2. Calculate the slope of the line in Prob. 1 on the basis of going in the direction from Q
    toP, showing that the slope doesn’t depend on which way we move along the line.

  3. Derive an equation of the line described in Probs. 1 and 2 in PS form.

  4. Derive an equation of the line described in Probs. 1, 2, and 3 in SI form.

  5. Sketch a graph of the linear equation discussed in Probs. 1 through 4 using the simplest
    possible method. Label the slope as m and the v-intercept as b, and indicate their values.

  6. Suppose we see two equations where s is the independent variable and t is the
    dependent variable:
    t=s+ 5
    t= 5 − s
    Someone says, “When graphed, these equations will produce lines oriented at a 90°
    angle with respect to each other.” How can she say this without drawing the graphs?
    Under what circumstances will she be right? Under what circumstances will she be

  7. Our advisor, who introduced herself in Prob. 6, goes on to make the claim, “The two
    lines we talked about will intersect somewhere on the t axis.” She’s right! What is the
    exact point of intersection?

  8. Graph the two lines we discussed in Probs. 6 and 7, and label the point of intersection.

  9. Find an equation for the line in Cartesian (x,y) coordinates that passes through the
    two points (2, 8) and (0, −4). Use the results of the last challenge. Put the equation
    into PS form.

  10. Find an equation for the line in Cartesian (x,y) coordinates that passes through the two
    points (−6,−10) and (6, −12). Use the results of the last challenge. Put the equation
    into SI form.

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