Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

298 The Matrix Morphing Game

Now we have these three equations that make up the linear system:

0 x+ 7 y− 3 z= 3
2 x+ 0 y+ 8 z=− 7
12 x− 7 y+ 0 z= 0

We may want to write the above equations like this, so we are sure to get the signs of the coefficients right:

0 x+ 7 y+ (− 3 z)= 3
2 x+ 0 y+ 8 z=− 7
12 x+ (− 7 y)+ 0 z= 0

We can write this system in matrix form by removing the variables and equals signs, and then aligning the
coefficients into neat rows and columns:

07 − 3 3

(^208) − 7
12 − 7 00

Matrix Operations

Imagine the matrix for a three-by-three linear system as a game board with 12 positions,
arranged in three horizontal rows and four vertical columns. Let’s invent a matrix morphing
game. There are three types of moves in this game: swap,multiply, and add. We can make as
many of these moves as we want.

We may interchange all the elements between two rows in a matrix, while keeping the elements
of both rows in the same order from left to right. For example, if we start with

a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1
a 2 b 2 c 2 d 2
a 3 b 3 c 3 d 3

we can change it to

a 3 b 3 c 3 d 3
a 2 b 2 c 2 d 2
a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1

In this case, the first and third rows have been swapped. Note that we cannot swap individual
elements or vertical columns! The swap maneuver is only allowed between entire rows.
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