Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


20 Review Questions and Answers

Part Two

This is not a test! It’s a review of important general concepts you learned in the previous
nine chapters. Read it though slowly and let it “sink in.” If you’re confused about anything
here, or about anything in the section you’ve just finished, go back and study that material
some more.

Chapter 11

Question 11-1
What things can we do with the equation if we want to change its form, but be sure that the
result is equivalent to the original equation and still valid?

Answer 11-1
We can do any of these things:

  • Switch the left and right sides.

  • Add a quantity to the left side, and add the same quantity to the right side.

  • Subtract a quantity from the left side, and subtract the same quantity from the right

  • Multiply the left side by a nonzero quantity, and multiply the right side by the same
    nonzero quantity.

  • Divide the left side by a nonzero quantity, and multiply the right side by the same
    nonzero quantity.

Question 11-2
What are the five types of inequalities that can exist between two numbers, variables, or math-
ematical expressions p and q? How are these inequalities symbolized?

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