Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

328 Review Questions and Answers

2 x+ 8 = (1/3)x+ 3
6 x+ 24 =x+ 9
6 x+ 15 =x
5 x+ 15 = 0
5 x=− 15
x=− 3

Question 16-4
How can we put the two-by-two linear system from Question 16-2 into a pair of SI equations
withx all by itself on the left sides of the equals signs?

Answer 16-4
For the first original equation, we can do this:

2 x−y+ 8 = 0
2 x+ 8 =y
2 x=y− 8
x= (1/2)y− 4

and for the second original equation, we can do this:

x− 3 y+ 9 = 0
x+ 9 = 3 y
x= 3 y− 9

Question 16-5
How can we combine the two equations from Answer 16-4 to get a first-degree equation and
solve the original system for y?

Answer 16-5
We can mix the right sides of the two SI equations together and then solve the resulting first-
degree equation in y by manipulation, as follows:

(1/2)y− 4 = 3 y− 9
y− 8 = 6 y− 18
y+ 10 = 6 y
10 = 5 y
y= 2

Question 16-6
How can we be sure the solution we obtained in Answers 16-3 and 16-5 is in fact the correct
solution to the original two-by-two linear system?
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