Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

338 Review Questions and Answers

Answer 18-6
Let’s multiply the top equation through by −3 and then add the bottom equation to it. This
gives us the sum

− 3 x− 9 z=− 27
3 x+ 13 z= 31
4 z= 4

This simplifies to the tentative solution z= 1.

Question 18-7
How can we solve the above two-by-two system for x by substituting in the solution for z we
obtained in Answer 18-6?

Answer 18-7
We can plug in the value 1 for z in either of the equations in the two-by-two system as stated
at the end of Answer 18-5. Let’s use the top equation. We have

x+ 3 z= 9
x+ 3 × 1 = 9
x+ 3 = 9
x= 6

Now we have the tentative solutions x= 6 and z= 1.

Question 18-8
Now that we know the values of x and z in the original three-by-three system, how can we
find the value of y?

Answer 18-8
We can plug in the value 6 for x and the value 1 for z in any of the original three equations, as
they are stated in Question 18-1. Let’s use the first one:

4 x= 8 + 4 y+ 4 z
4 × 6 = 8 + 4 y+ 4 × 1
24 = 8 + 4 y+ 4
20 = 8 + 4 y
12 = 4 y
3 =y

Now we have the complete, but still tentative, solution to the original three-by-three system:

x= 6
y= 3
z= 1
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