Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

364 Quadratic Equations with Real Roots

As you know, all cases of subtraction are sums in disguise. The above expressions can be writ-
ten as pure sums like this:

x+ (−3)
−x^2 + 3 x+ (−6)
x+ (−y^3 )+ 7 z^2
2 x+ (− 2 y^5 )+ (− 2 z^7 )
ax^4 y+ (−bxz^3 )+ (−cy^2 z^2 )

Polynomial standard form
Any single-variable quadratic, no matter how complicated it looks when you first see it, can
be rewritten so it appears in polynomial standard form. When the equation is in this form, the
left side of the equals sign contains a constant multiple of the variable squared, added to a
constant multiple of the variable itself, added to a constant. On the right side of the equals
sign, you find 0 all by itself. Here’s the general equation:

ax^2 +bx+c= 0

where a,b, and c are constants, and x is the variable. All of the following are quadratic equa-
tions in polynomial standard form:

3 x^2 + 2 x+ 5 = 0
3 x^2 − 4 x= 0
− 7 x^2 − 5 = 0
− 4 x^2 = 0

In all but the first of these, some of the constants equal 0. But the first constant, the one by
whichx^2 is multiplied, can never be 0 in a quadratic equation. If you set a= 0 in the standard
form of a single-variable quadratic equation, you’ll get the standard form for single-variable
first-degree equation, because the term containing x^2 vanishes:

bx+c= 0

Mutant quadratics
Quadratic equations frequently appear in disguise. I call them mutant quadratics. Every such
equation has two things in common. First, it isn’t in polynomial standard form. Second, it can
be morphed into that form without changing the set of roots we get when we solve it. Here
are some examples:
x^2 = 2 x+ 3
x= 4 x^2 − 7
x^2 + 4 x= 7 +x
x− 2 =− 8 x^2 − 22
3 +x= 2 x^2
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