Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

402 Graphs of Quadratic Functions

to get a clear picture of the parabola based on their locations. But we can find the y-intercept to help us
draw the curve. When we plug the value 0 in for x, we get

y=x^2 − 3 x+ 2
= 02 − 3 × 0 + 2
= 0 − 0 + 2
= 2

This tells us that (0, 2) is on the curve. It is also shown in Fig. 24-4.

Here’s a trick!
The graph of a quadratic function is bilaterally symmetric with respect to a vertical line passing through the
vertex. That means the right-hand side of the curve is an exact “mirror image” of the left-hand side. In the
challenge we just finished, this fact can be useful. Once we’ve drawn an approximation of the left-hand
side of the curve using the points (3/2, −1/4), (1, 0), and (0, 2), we can fill out the right-hand side without
having to find another distant point there.

One Real Zero

When a quadratic equation has one real root, its quadratic function has one real zero. When we
graph such a function, it has a single point in common with the independent-variable axis.

Parabola opens upward
Figure 24-5 shows a generic graph of a quadratic function of x with one real zero r. At the
point (r, 0), the parabola is tangent to the x axis. Here, “tangent” means that the curve just
brushes against the axis, touching it at a single point. If the quadratic function is

y=ax^2 +bx+c

thena > 0 because the parabola opens upward. The root of the equation

ax^2 +bx+c= 0

can be found using the quadratic formula. Because there is only one root, the discriminant in
the quadratic formula must be 0. That means

b^2 − 4 ac= 0


r= [−b± (b^2 − 4 ac)1/2] / (2a)
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