Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

They-value at the absolute minimum point is

ymin= 2 xmin^2 + 4 xmin+ 3

= 2 × (−1)^2 + 4 × (−1)+ 3

= 2 − 4 + 3

=− 2 + 3

= 1

From this, we know that the coordinates of the vertex are (−1,1). As the basis for our next point, let’s
choosex=−3. That’s 2 units smaller than the x-value of the absolute minimum. We can plug that into
the function to get

y= 2 x^2 + 4 x+ 3

= 2 × (−3)^2 + 4 × (−3)+ 3

= 18 − 12 + 3

= 6 + 3

= 9

This gives us (−3, 9) as the coordinates of a second point on the curve. Finally, let’s pick an x-value that’s
2 units larger than xmin; that would be x= 1. Plugging it in, we obtain

Figure 24-10 Approximate graph of y= 2 x^2 + 4 x+ 3.
On both axes, each increment represents
1 unit.



(–3,9) (1,9)

Each axis
is 1 unit


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