Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answer 21-9

When we want to multiply one complex number by another, we treat both factors as binomi-
als, keeping in mind the fact that j^2 =−1. Therefore,

(a 1 +jb 1 )(a 2 +jb 2 )=a 1 a 2 +ja 1 b 2 +jb 1 a 2 +j^2 b 1 b 2

=a 1 a 2 +ja 1 b 2 +jb 1 a 2 −b 1 b 2

=a 1 a 2 −b 1 b 2 +ja 1 b 2 +jb 1 a 2

= (a 1 a 2 −b 1 b 2 )+j(a 1 b 2 +b 1 a 2 )

Question 21-10

What is the conjugate of a complex number a+jb, where a and b are real numbers? What
happens when we add a complex number to its conjugate? What happens when we multiply
a complex number by its conjugate?

Answer 21-10

We can get the conjugate of any complex number a+jb by reversing the sign of the imagi-
nary part. Therefore, a+jb and a−jb are conjugates of each other. When we add a complex
number to its conjugate using the rule from Answer 21-8, we get

(a+jb)+ (a−jb)= (a+a)+ (jb−jb)

= 2 a+j 0

= 2 a

When we multiply a complex number by its conjugate using the rule from Answer 21-9,
we get

(a+jb)(a−jb)=a^2 −jab+jba−j^2 b^2

=a^2 −jab+jab+b^2

=a^2 +b^2

Chapter 22

Question 22-1

What is the polynomial standard form for a quadratic equation in the variable x?

Answer 22-1

When a quadratic equation in x is written in polynomial standard form, it’s formatted like this:

ax^2 +bx+c= 0

Part Three 501
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