Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

516 Review Questions and Answers

Answer 25-2
An equation in binomial-cubed form can always be written like this when x is the variable:

(ax+b)^3 = 0

where a is a nonzero real number, and b is a real number.

Question 25-3
What does the binomial-cubed equation from Answer 25-2 look like when multiplied out
into polynomial standard form?

Answer 25-3
Let’s begin by separating the left side of the equation into a product of three identical binomials:

(ax+b)(ax+b)(ax+b)= 0

When we multiply the second two binomials together and then simplify the result into a
trinomial, we get the equation

(ax+b)(a^2 x^2 + 2 abx+b^2 )= 0

Multiplying the binomial by the trinomial and simplifying gives us

a^3 x^3 + 3 a^2 bx^2 + 3 ab^2 x+b^3 = 0

Question 25-4
How many real roots does the equation stated in Answer 25-2 have? What is that root, or what
are they? What is the real solution set X?

Answer 25-4
There is one real root with multiplicity 3. It is the solution to the equation we obtain when
we set the binomial equal to 0:

ax+b= 0

When we subtract b from both sides and then divide through by a (which is okay because we
know that a≠ 0), we get


The real solution set is therefore

X= {−b/a}
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