Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Part Three 535

Question 28-7

Let’s modify the system of equations stated in Question 28-6. Suppose we multiply the right
side of the second equation by −1, producing this two-by-two system:

y= (x+ 1)^2


y=−(x− 1)^2

How will this affect the graph of the second equation, shown by the dashed curve? How will
it affect the real solution set?

Answer 28-7

If we multiply the right side of this equation by −1, we multiply all values of the function by
−1. This inverts the entire graph of the function with respect to the x axis. Figure 30-8 shows
the result. On the x axis, each increment is 1/2 unit. On the y axis, each increment is 2 units.
We can see that the system has no real solutions because the curves don’t intersect. The real
solution set is empty.

Question 28-8

Let’s modify the system of equations stated in Question 28-6 in a different way. Suppose we
subtract 12 from the right side of the second equation, producing this two-by-two system:

y= (x+ 1)^2




Figure 30-7 Illustration for Answer 28-6. The first function
is graphed as a solid curve; the second function
is graphed as a dashed curve. The real-number
solution appears as a point where the curves
intersect. On the x axis, each increment is 1/2 unit.
On the y axis, each increment is 2 units.
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