Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

550 Final Exam

(c) 5.
(e) 7.

  1. What’s the binary equivalent of the decimal 127?
    (a) 1001000
    (b) 1111111
    (c) 1000001
    (d) 10000000
    (e) 11100111

  2. In Fig. FE-2, what is being done to the original number 16n?
    (a) It is being repeatedly multiplied by 2.
    (b) It is being repeatedly multiplied by −2.


4 n



Finish at n

Start at 16n

Positive numbers

Negative numbers

Figure FE-2 Illustration for Final Exam
Questions 21 and 22.
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