Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. In the graph of Fig. FE-7, the x-intercept of the line is

(a) 13/4.
(b) 7/2.
(c) 4.
(d) 17/4.
(e) impossible to determine without more information.

  1. In the graph of Fig. FE-7, the t-intercept of the line is

(e) impossible to determine without more information.

  1. Suppose we see the following cubic equation and we want to find its real roots:

x^3 − 4 x^2 + 7 x= 0

We’re tempted to divide this through by x, so we can reduce it to a quadratic that will be
easier to solve. Is that a good idea?
(a) No, because one of the real roots is x= 0.
(b) No, because a cubic equation can never be divided through directly.
(c) No, because we must always factor cubics into binomials to solve them.
(d) Yes, it will work fine.
(e) Yes, but only because the leading coefficient is equal to 1.

Final Exam 565





Figure FE-7 Illustration for Final Exam
Questions 77, 78, and 79.
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