Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
is not a function. It is not an injection because it’s not one-to-one. That means it cannot be a
bijection. The relation does map onto its entire range (the set of all reals), so it’s a surjection.

Chapter 14

  1. If we multiply x by −1 and leave y the same, the point will move to the other side of the
    y axis, but it will stay on the same side of the x axis. If it starts out in the first quadrant,
    it will move to the second. If it starts out in the second quadrant, it will move to the
    first. If it starts out in the third quadrant, it will move to the fourth. If it starts out in
    the fourth quadrant, it will move to the third. The y axis will act as a “point reflector.”

  2. If we multiply y by −1 and leave x the same, the point will move to the other side of the
    x axis, but it will stay on the same side of the y axis. If it starts out in the first quadrant,
    it will move to the fourth. If it starts out in the second quadrant, it will move to the
    third. If it starts out in the third quadrant, it will move to the second. If it starts out in
    the fourth quadrant, it will move to the first. The x axis will act as a “point reflector.”

  3. The point for (6x, 6y) will be in the same quadrant as the point for (x,y), but 6 times
    as far from the origin. The point for (x/4,y/4) will be in the same quadrant as the point
    for (x,y), but 1/4 of the distance from the origin. The origin, the point for (x,y), the
    point for (6x, 6y), and the point for (x/4,y/4) will all lie along a single straight line.

  4. If the vertical test line intersects the graph (once for a function, and once or more
    for a relation), then the point where the test line intersects the independent-variable
    (horizontal) axis represents a numerical value in the domain. If the test line does not
    intersect the graph, then the point where the test line intersects the horizontal axis does
    not represent a value in the domain.

  5. This process works just like the process for determining whether or not a point is in the
    domain, except that everything is rotated by 90°! If the horizontal test line intersects the
    graph, then the point where the test line intersects the dependent-variable (vertical) axis
    represents a numerical value in the range. If the test line does not intersect the graph,
    then the point where the test line intersects the vertical axis does not represent a value
    in the range.

  6. We can plot several specific points for y= |x|, and then we can determine the graph on
    the basis of those points. We can deduce, using some common sense, that the lines are
    straight. See Fig. B-1. The vertical-line test tells us that this is a function of x.

  7. We can plot several specific points for y= |x+ 1|, and then we can determine the graph
    on that basis. Again, we can deduce, using some common sense, that the lines are
    straight. See Fig. B-2. The vertical-line test reveals that this is a function of x.

  8. Figure B-3 is a graph of the inverse of y=x+ 1. If we apply the “point reflector”
    method to Fig. 14-11, we don’t have to mathematically derive an equation for the
    inverse to figure out what its graph looks like.

  9. Figure B-4 is a graph of the inverse of w=v^2. This is the result of using the “point
    reflector” scheme to modify Fig. 14-12. Again, it is not necessary to derive an equation
    for the inverse.

Chapter 14 629
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