Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

690 Worked-Out Solutions to Exercises: Chapters 21 to 29

We found the real roots

x=−5/3 or x= 7/4

Let’s put −5/3 in place of x, and then carry out the calculations. We get

[3× (−5/3)+ 5][16 × (−5/3)^2 − 56 × (−5/3)+ 49] = 0

The first term in square brackets is equal to 0. Let’s check:

3 × (−5/3)+ 5
=−15/3+ 5
=− 5 + 5
= 0

This means the entire expression must be 0; it doesn’t matter what the second term is.
Now let’s insert 7/4 for x. We have only to work with the trinomial term this time, and it
comes out equal to 0. Let’s try it:

16 × (7/4)^2 − 56 × (7/4) + 49
= 16 × 49/16 − 392/4 + 49
= 49 − 98 + 49
=− 49 + 49
= 0

The whole expression must equal 0 because the second factor is 0.

  1. We begin by setting up the synthetic division array with the “test root,” x= 5, and the
    coefficients in the top row, like this:

5 − 9 21 104 80

Subsequent steps proceed as follows.

5 − 9 21 104 80
− 9 ###

5 − 9 21 104 80
− 45 ##
− 9 ###
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