Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

y=x^2 − 2 x− 2

Bold numerals indicate the real solution we found when we worked out Prob. 5 in Chap. 27.

  1. See Fig. C-6. Each horizontal increment is 1 unit. Each vertical increment is 4 units.

  2. See Table C-5, which shows selected values for the functions



y= 2 x^3

Bold numerals indicate the real solution we found when we worked out Prob. 7 in Chap. 27.




Figure C-6 Illustration for the solution
to Prob. 6 in Chap. 28.

Table C-5. Solution to Prob. 7 in Chap. 28.
x −x^22 x^3
− 3 − 9 − 54
− 2 − 4 − 16
− 1 − 1 − 2
0 0 0
1 −1 2
2 −4 16
3 −9 54

Chapter 28 711
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