Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Symbol First use Meaning
I Chapter 1 Roman numeral for 1
V Chapter 1 Roman numeral for 5
X Chapter 1 Roman numeral for 10
L Chapter 1 Roman numeral for 50
C Chapter 1 Roman numeral for 100
D Chapter 1 Roman numeral for 500
M Chapter 1 Roman numeral for 1,000
K Chapter 1 Alternative Roman numeral for 1,000
∞ Chapter 1 Lemniscate symbol for infi nity
ω Chapter 1 Lowercase Greek omega symbol for infi nity
א Chapter 1 Uppercase Hebrew aleph symbol for infi nity
א 0 Chapter 1 Aleph-null, the number of whole numbers
... Chapter 1 Ellipsis, indicating repetition of a sequence or pattern
= Chapter 1 Conventional symbol for numerical equality
+ Chapter 1 Conventional symbol for addition
∈ Chapter 2 Set symbol meaning “is an element of ”
∉ Chapter 2 Set symbol meaning “is not an element of ”
{ } Chapter 2 Braces for enclosing list of set elements
∅ Chapter 2 Symbol for the null (empty) set
/ Chapter 2 Conventional symbol for division, fraction, or ratio
⊆ Chapter 2 Set symbol meaning “is a subset of ”
⊂ Chapter 2 Set symbol meaning “is a proper subset of ”
= Chapter 2 Set symbol meaning “is congruent to”
≡ Chapter 2 Alternative set symbol meaning “is congruent to”
∩ Chapter 2 Set symbol meaning “intersect”
∪ Chapter 2 Set symbol meaning “union”
× Chapter 3 Conventional symbol for multiplication
− Chapter 3 Conventional symbol for negative numerical value
( ) Chapter 4 Parentheses for grouping of quantities


Appendix E Special Characters in Order of Appearance

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