Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

724 Index

factor (Cont.)
of natural number, 39–42
of quadratic equation, 370, 387–395
prime, 40–42, 88, 148–150
factoring, 370
Fahrenheit temperature scale, 45
finite set, 20–21
first-degree equation
combinations of operations in, 198–208
constants in, 192–196
differences in, 192–196
in one variable, 192–207
number games involving, 206–207
products in, 196–198
ratios in, 196–198
standard form of, in one variable, 201, 313–314
sums in, 192–196
word problems involving, 203–207
formula, definition of, 92
as ratio of integers, 83–94
compound, 90, 159
decimal, 95–108, 161–162
improper, 84
lowest form of, 87–89, 157–159
proper, 84–86, 158
reducing, 87–89
simple, 84
addition of, 91–93, 158
division of, 90–91, 159
multiplication of, 89–90, 159
subtraction of, 91–93, 159
definition of, 218
examples of, 218–220
graphed in Cartesian plane, 232–234
notation, 399
vertical-line test for, 234, 396–397
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, 45

grammar, mathematical, 56
Cartesian, 223–231
of quadratic functions, 396–412
of two-by-two linear systems, 264–280

with braces, 93
with brackets, 61
improper use of, 77
with parentheses, 56

hexadecimal numeral, 12–13, 16–17,
higher-degree equation, 432–446
Hindu-Arabic numeral, 8–10
horizontal-line test for inverse function,
234, 321
hypercube, 114

identity element
additive, 55, 133
multiplicative, 70–71, 133
if and only if statement, 179
iff statement, 179
if/then statement, 178–179
imaginary number
absolute value of, 352–353
addition, 353–354
definition of, 349–351
in factor of quadratic equation,
line, 351–355
pure, 357
as root of quadratic equation, 382–385,
subtraction, 354
unit, 350–351, 498–501
implication, logical, 178–179
improper fraction, 84
inconsistent linear system,
275–277, 345
increment, in slope, 236
independent variable, definition of, 215
behavior of, 179–183, 308–310
definition of, 176
manipulation or morphing, 183–190
solving, 189–191
types of, 176–178
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