Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 725

ordinal, 37–38, 148
set, 20–21
infinity, 10, 37–38, 68,
129–132, 148
inflection point, 474–476
definition of, 211–212
example of, 213–214, 315–317
absolute value of, 150
definition of, 45
generation of, 47–49
implied list of, 149
in hierarchy, 167–168
negative, 45–47
nonnegative, 51
powers, 109–112
root, 112–117
rules for squaring, 131–132
intercept, definition of, 238
intersection of sets, 27–30, 145–146
additive, 62, 133
function, horizontal-line test for, 234
logarithm, 488
multiplicative, 90, 110, 134
relation, 219–220, 273–275
irrational number
as exponent, 139–140
expression of, 124–125
in hierarchy, 167–168
impossibility of listing, 129–132
pi as example of, 103
irrational roots, 444

j operator, definition of, 350

law, mathematical, 60
leading coefficient, 443
lemma, definition of, 64
lemniscate, as infinity symbol, 10
letter constant, 192–193
linear/cubic system, 456–459, 471–475

linear equation
from graph, 244–249
graph of, 236–250
point-slope form of, 242–244, 324–325
slope-intercept form of, 236–242,
two-point form of, 248–249
linear/quadratic system, 447–451, 463–466
linear relation
graph of, 236–250
linear system
general, 290–294
n-by-n, 292
three-by-three-281–289, 296–307
three-by-two, 293–294
two-by-two, 251–280, 326–331
maximum, 474–476
minimum, 474–476
common, 480, 538–540
conversions, 484–485
base-e, 480–481, 540–541
base-10, 480, 538–540
base of, 479–480
definition of, 479
vs. exponential, 488–489
inverse, 488
natural, 480–481, 540–541
equivalence, 179
implication, 178–179, 182–183
lower bound for real roots, 441–443
lowest form of fraction, 87–89, 100, 157–159

magnitude, order of, 95–99, 160, 162–163
many-to-one relation, 219
bijective, 212–214, 316–317
co-domain of, 209–211, 314–315
definition of, 208–209
domain of, 208–211, 314–315
maximal domain of, 209–211, 314–315
essential domain of, 208–211
injective, 211–214, 315–317
one-to-one, 212
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