Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

726 Index

mapping (Cont.)
onto, 212
range of, 208–211, 314–315
surjective, 212, 315–317
grammar, 56
law, 60
diagonal form of, 301–304, 341, 343–344
echelon form of, 301–303, 341–343
for solving linear systems, 296–307, 340–345
operations with, 298–300
unit diagonal form of, 300–301, 304–305,
341, 344
maximal domain of mapping, 209–211
absolute, 399–402, 404–407, 409, 510–515
local, 474–476
member of set, 19–21, 144
million, definition of, 9
absolute, 398, 400–403, 407–408, 410–411,
local, 474–476
minus sign
for negative number, 54
monomial, definition of, 363
morph and mix, 251–255, 264–267,
286, 326–329
multiple powers, 119–122
multiplicand, definition of, 66
as displacement, 65–66
associative law for, 75–78, 134, 155–157
by zero, 135
commutative law for, 73–75, 134, 155–157
notation for, 70
of complex numbers, 357
of exponents, 120–121
of fractions, 89–90, 159
signs in, 72
identity element, 70–71, 133
inverse, 90, 110
multiplicity of root, 372, 433–437, 459, 503–504
multiplier, definition of, 66
multiplying through, 174–175

Murphy’s law, 189
mutant quadratic, 364–367

antilogarithm, 488
exponential, 488, 541–543
logarithm, 480–481, 540–541
natural number
definition of, 35
divisibility of, 43
factor of, 39–42
generation of, 35–38, 147–150
in hierarchy, 167–168
n-by-n linear system, 292
changing reciprocal to, 484
integer power, 95, 163–164
negative number
definition of, 45–47
minus sign in, 54
subtraction of, 56–57
negative power, 138
nondenumerable set, 130–131, 168
nondisjoint sets, 26
nonillion, definition of, 9
nonterminating decimal
nonrepeating, 102–103, 160–161
repeating, 101–102, 160–161
n-space, Cartesian, 292
null set, 20, 27, 31, 35–36, 146
comparison with numeral, 142
composite, 40–41, 48–49
conversions, 104–107
even, 39
counting, 7
definition of, 3
games, 206–207
hierarchy, 124–129
integer, 45–49, 51, 109–117, 131–132,
149–153, 167–168
irrational, 103, 124–125, 129–132, 167–168
natural, 35–45, 147–150, 167–168
negative, 45–47, 54, 56–57
odd, 39
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