Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
It works when you multiply
The fact that you can multiply two integers in either order and get the same result is called the
commutative law for multiplication. For any two integers a and b


If both factors have the same sign (positive or negative), the product is positive. If the factors
have opposite signs, the product is negative. The commutative law also works if there are three
or more factors. You can rearrange them in any order you want. If there are an even number
of negative factors, the product is positive. If there are an odd number of negative factors, the
product is negative.

It fails when you divide
When you divide an integer by another integer, the order is important. If you divide 20 by 4,
you get 5. But if you divide 4 by 20, you don’t get 5. You don’t even get an integer. A more
dramatic example is the division of 0 by any other integer. If you divide 0 by −3, you get 0.
But if you divide −3 by 0, you get an undefined quantity!

Here’s a fact that you will find useful in algebra. It’s called the rule of cross-multiplication. Sup-
pose you have two ratios of integers, a/b and c/d, and you’re told that they’re equal. You’re also
assured that neither b nor d is equal to 0. You write


You can multiply the dividend on the left-hand side of this equation (here, that’s a) by
the divisor on the right-hand side (d), and get the same result as when you multiply the
divisor on the left-hand side (b) by the dividend on the right-hand side (c). In formal

If a/b=c/d, then ad=bc

This rule works in the reverse sense, too. For any four integers a, b, c, and d, where b is not
equal to 0 (written b≠ 0) and d≠ 0,

If ad=bc, then a/b=c/d

When a rule works in both logical directions, mathematicians use the expression “if and only
if ” and abbreviate it as “iff.” Now we know that for any four integers a, b, c, and d,where
b≠ 0 and d≠ 0,

ad=bc iff a/b=c/d

74 Multiplication and Division

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