Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Absolute value
of c o ord i nates, 171–173
defi nition of, 15
of negative numbers, 15–17, 15f
on number line, 15, 15f
in order of operations
algebraic expressions, 68
with multiplication, 120
PEMDAS, 60, 62
with subtraction, 120
of real numbers, 15–17
square root and, 32, 36, 164
Absolute value bars, 15, 36, 58, 60
Absolute value function, 202, 202f
of algebraic fractions, 146–150
associative property of, 9, 10
closure property of, 8
commutative property of, 9
of decimals, 20
distributive property and, 11
division and, 59, 120
in factoring, 134–136
of fractions, 19–20
within fractions
complex, 151–152
order of operations, 59

in rational expressions, 142–150
simplifying and, 120
of integers, 4
of like terms, 88–89
linear equation rules, 155
linear inequality rules, 161
of monomials, 88–89
of natural numbers, 1
of negative numbers, 17–20
of opposite number, 10
in order of operations
algebraic expressions, 68–69
with exponentiation, 48, 120
PEMDAS, 58–63
with square root symbol, 35, 119
of polynomials, 90–91
power of a sum rule, 80, 81, 119–120, 220
sign for, 8
signed numbers rules, 17–20
in special products, 102
of whole numbers, 2
of zero, 10, 18
Additive identity property, 10, 11
Additive inverse property, 10–11
Algebraic expressions
defi nition of, 66
evaluating, 66–70


Page numbers followed by f indicate material in fi gures. Page numbers followed by t indicate material
in tables.

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