Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 245

diagram of, 172f
distance between two, 176–177
equa l, 173 –174
a line through two
parallel line to, 181
perpendicular line to, 181–182
point-slope equation for, 190–193
slope of, 178–181
slope y-intercept equation for, 184–190
midpoint between two, 177
i n quad ra nt s, 174 –17 5
from x-y T-table, 185 –186
addition of, 90–91
binomials. See Binomials
defi nition of, 85
dividing, 110–117, 120
factoring, 119–137
identifying, 86
monomials. See Monomials
multiplying, 94 –102
in polynomial expressions, 104–105
in rational expressions, 139
simplifying, 91, 119–120
subtraction of, 92–93
trinomials. See Tr inomia ls
Polynomial expressions, 104–109
Positive integer, 3, 3f
Positive numbers
absolute value of, 16–17
addition of, 17–19
categorization of, 7
cube of, 36, 45
cube root of, 7, 36–39
in division, 29–30
exponentiation of
with fractions, 53–57
with natural numbers, 44–48
with negative numbers, 50–52
with one, 45
with zero, 49
fourth root of, 38
integers, 3, 3f
multiplication of, 26–28
natural. See Natural numbers
nth root of, 38
on number line, 3–4, 3f, 6, 160f
sign for, 3
square of, 32, 45

square roots of, 5, 7, 32–35, 39–42
subtraction of, 21–24
whole. See Whole numbers
Power of a difference rule, 80, 81, 220
Power of a product rule, 78–80, 119–120
Power of a quotient rule, 79
Power of a sum rule, 80, 81, 119–120, 220
Power to a power rule, 77–78
Prime factor, 148
Principal cube root, 36–37, 39, 53
Principal nth root of a, 38–39
Principal square root, 32–36, 38, 53, 164
Product rule, 74–75, 81

Quadratic equations, 127–133, 163–169
Quadratic function, 201, 202f
Quotient rule, 75–77, 81

Radicals, 38–42
Radicand, 38
Range of functions, 195 –196, 197
Rational expressions
algebraic fractions. See Algebraic fractions
defi nition of, 139
fundamental principles of, 139–143
Rational numbers
decimal form of, 4–5
defi nition of, 4
integers, 3–5, 3f, 6f
negative. See Negative numbers
nonintegers, 6
positive. See Positive numbers
set of, 4
Real numbers
absolute value of, 15–17
addition rules for signed, 17–20
categorization of, 64
comparing, 14–15
defi nition of, 6
division rules for signed, 29–30
in domain of functions, 196–199
fi eld properties of, 8–12
graph of, 8
irrational, 5–6, 6f
multiplication rules for signed, 26–28
nth root of, 38
on number line, 6, 6f, 8
rational. See Rational numbers
subtraction rules for signed, 21–25
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