Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 247

Ter m s
defi nition of, 83
dividing out, 142
vs. factors, 119
identifying, 83–86
like, 87, 88–90
middle, 99–101, 127–128, 131, 133
minus sign and, 83–84
monomials. See Monomials
“not equal to” symbol and, 120
polynomials. See Polynomials
unlike, 87
Times symbol (×), 8
Tr inomia ls
defi nition of, 85
identifying, 86
perfect squares, 133–134
quadratic, 127–133, 163 –169
T-table, 185 –186
Two-variable linear equations, 159

Va r iables
coeffi cients of, 65–66
dependent, 197
determining, 64–65
in factoring, 144
function of, 64
grouping symbols and, 66
independent, 197, 198
letter for, 64
Vertical axis, 171, 172f
Vertical line test, 201

Whole numbers
addition of, 2
division of, 2
multiplication of, 2
natural. See Natural numbers
on number line, 2, 2f, 3–4, 3f
opposites of. See Opposite numbers
set of, 2
subtraction of, 2
zero. See Zero

x-a x i s, 171, 172 f

absolute value of, 171
determining, 173, 173f
diagram of, 172f
order of, 171
i n quad ra nt s, 174 –17 5
x-y T-table, 185 –186

y-a x i s, 171, 172 f
absolute value of, 171–173
determining, 173, 173f
diagram of, 172f
order of, 171
i n quad ra nt s, 174 –17 5

addition of, 10, 18
categorization of
as additive identity, 10
as integer, 3
as monomial, 84
as perfect cube, 36
as perfect square, 33
as rational number, 4
as real number, 6–7
as whole number, 2
cube root of, 36
in division, 4, 29, 110, 139, 155,
180 –181
domain of functions and, 196–197
as exponent, 48–49
exponentiation of, 48
multiplication by, 11, 12, 26,
28, 155
natural numbers and, 2
nth root of, 38, 39
opposite of, 2
in ordered pairs, 174
slope of a line, 178, 180–181, 185
slope of line, 178
in slope y-intercept equation,
185 –186
square root of, 5, 32
subtraction of, 22, 24
in x-y T-table, 185
Zero factor property, 12, 165–166
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