Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

26 Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

Multiplication and Division of Signed Numbers

For multiplication of signed numbers, use the following three rules:

Multiplication of Signed Numbers
Rule 5. To multiply two numbers that have the same sign, multiply their
absolute values and keep the product positive.
Rule 6. To multiply two numbers that have
opposite signs, multiply their absolute
values and make the product negative.
Rule 7. The product of 0 and any number is 0.

Problem Find the product.
a. ()))()((
b. ())()(
c. ())()(
d. ())()(
e. ()()

a. ()))()((
Step 1. Determine which multiplication rule applies.
()− )()(−
The signs are the same (both negative), so use Rule 5.

Step 2. Multiply the absolute values, 3 and 40.
() 3 () 40 = 120

Step 3. Keep the product positive.
()− )()(− = 120

b. ())()(
Step 1. Determine which multiplication rule applies.
() 3 () 40
The signs are the same (both positive), so use Rule 5.

Step 2. Multiply the absolute values, 3 and 40.
()^3 ()^40 =^120


When you multiply two positive
or two negative numbers, the
product is always positive no
matter what. Similarly, when
you multiply two numbers that
have opposite signs, the product
is always negative—it doesn’t
matter which number has the
greater absolute value.
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