Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

46 Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

of the number; read 53 as “fi ve cubed.”
Beyond the third power, read 54 as “fi ve
to the fourth,” read 55 as “fi ve to the fi fth,”
read 56 as “fi ve to the sixth,” and so on.

Problem Write the indicated product as an exponential expression.
a. 22222222222222222
b. − 333333 ⋅− ⋅− ⋅− ⋅− ⋅−

a. 22222222222222222
Step 1. Count how many times 2 is a factor.
Seven factors of 2

Step 2. Write the indicated product as an exponential expression with 2 as
the base and 7 as the exponent.
22222222222222222 = 27

b. − 333333 ⋅− ⋅− ⋅− ⋅− ⋅−
Step 1. Count how many times − 3 is a factor.

333333 ⋅− ⋅−⋅− ⋅−⋅−

Six factors of 3


Step 2. Write the indicated product as an exponential expression with − 3 as
the base and 6 as the exponent.
− 333333 ⋅− ⋅−⋅− ⋅−⋅− =()−^6

In the above problem, you must enclose the − 3
in parentheses to show that − 3 is the number that is
used as a factor six times. Only the 3 will be raised
to the power unless parentheses are used to indicate

Problem Evaluate.
a. 25

b. ()^5
c. (.. 6 )^2

())))^66 ≠≠≠− 33. ())^6 = 729 ,but
−= 36 − 729.

Don’t multiply the base by the exponent!
552 ≠⋅ 5210 ,^553 ≠⋅ 5315 ,^554 ≠⋅ 54 20 ,^
etc. xn≠⋅xn.
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