Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


5 Order of Operations

In this chapter, you apply your skills in computation to perform a series of
indicated numerical operations. This chapter lays the foundation for numeri-
cal calculations by introducing you to the order of operations.

Grouping Symbols

Grouping symbols such as parentheses (),
brackets [], and braces {}are used to keep
things together that belong together.
Fraction bars, absolute value bars , and
square root symbols are also grouping
symbols. When you are performing computa-
t ions, per for m operat ions i n g roupi ng sy mbols
It is very important that you do so when you have addition or subtraction
inside the grouping symbol.

Problem Simplify.
a. ()^4


c. −^72 +^5
35 −

Do keep in mind that parentheses are
also used to indicate multiplication, as
in ()))(()( or for clarity, as in −()−.

Grouping symbols say “Do me fi rst!”
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