Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

60 Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

d. 815

Step 1. Absolute value bars are a grouping symbol, so do 815 fi rst.


Step 2. Evaluate − 7.

= 7

e. 36 + 64

Step 1. The square root symbol is a grouping symbol, so do 36 + 64 fi rst.

36 += 6464 100

Step 2. Evaluate 100.

= 10


You must follow the order of operations to simplify mathematical expres-
sions. Use the mnemonic “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”—abbreviated
as PE(MD)(AS) to help you remember the following order.

Order of Operations

  1. Do computations inside Parentheses (or other grouping symbols).

  2. Evaluate Exponential expressions (also, evaluate absolute value,
    square root, and other root expressions).

  3. Perform Multiplication and
    Division, in the order in which
    these operations occur from left
    to right.

  4. Perform Addition and
    Subtraction, in the order in
    which these operations occur
    from left to right.


8158 ≠+ 8 − 15. 8157 , but
81588 + 15 = 23. Not performing
the addition, 815 , fi rst can lead to an
incorrect result.

36 +≠ 6464 36 + 64. 36 += 6464 10 ,
36 += 6464 688 = 14. Not performing the addition,
36 + 64 , fi rst can lead to an incorrect result.

In the order of operations, multiplication
does not always have to be done before
division, or addition before subtraction.
You multiply and divide in the order they
occur in the problem. Similarly, you add
and subtract in the order they occur in the
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