Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

66 Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

a. –5x

Step 1. Identify the numerical coeffi cient by observing that the number − 5
immediately precedes the variable x.
−5 is the numerical coeffi cient of x.

b. y

Step 1. Identify the numerical coeffi cient by observing that no number is
written immediately next to the variable y.
1 is the numerical coeffi cient of y.

c. πd
Step 1. Identify the numerical coeffi cient by observing that the number π
immediately precedes the variable d.
π is the numerical coeffi cient of d.

Evaluating Algebraic Expressions

Writing variables and coeffi cients or two or more variables (with or with-
out constants) side by side with no multiplication symbol in between is a
way to show multiplication. Thus, − 5 x means − 5 times x, and 2xyz means
2 times x times y times z. Also, a number or variable written immediately
next to a grouping symbol indicates multiplication. For instance, 6 ()x 1
means 6 times the quantity ()x+ , 7 x means 7 times x, and − 18 −
means − 1 times − 8.
An algebraic expression is a symbolic representation of a number. It can
contain constants, variables, and computation symbols. Here are examples
of algebraic expressions.

− 5 x, 2xyz,


71 x

()x 1

− ()−


15 +


y+ (^5) (

, −+ 8 −




, 8 ab^3336644 ,

xx^2 x− 12 ,



xz^232 , and − 25 xx^543 +++ 55 − 373 xx− 7 2 ++x 4

Ordinarily, you don’t know what number an algebraic expression repre-
sents because algebraic expressions always contain variables. However, if you
are given numerical values for the variables, you can evaluate the algebraic
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