Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

88 Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

Addition and Subtraction of Monomials

Because variables are standing in for real numbers, you can use the proper-
ties of real numbers to perform operations with polynomials.

Addition and Subtraction of Monomials

  1. To add monomials that are like terms, add their numerical coeffi -
    cients and use the sum as the coeffi cient of their common variable

  2. To subtract monomials that are like terms, subtract their numerical
    coeffi cients and use the difference as the coeffi cient of their common
    variable component.

  3. To add or subtract unlike terms, indicate the addition or subtraction.

Problem Simplify.
a. −+ 10 xx+ 2525
b. 47 xy^23 xy^323
c. 9 xx^2233333 x^2 − 7 x^2
d. 25 + 25 x
e. 5 xx^22777

a. −+ 10 xx+ 2525
Step 1. Check for like terms.
−+ 10 xx+ 2525
− 10 x and 25 x are like terms.

Step 2. Add the numerical coeffi cients.
−+ 10 25 = 15

Step 3. Use the sum as the coeffi cient of x.
−+ 10 xx+ 2525 = 15 x

b. 47 xy^23 xy^323
Step 1. Check for like terms.
47 xy^23 xy^32


−+ 10 xx+ 2525 ≠ 15 x^2. In addition
and subtraction, the exponents
on the variables do not change.
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