The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2000 B.C.E.lThe Babylonians are the first to solve QUADRATIC
EQUATIONs in radicals.

ca. 1650 B.C.E.lThe Ahmes papyrus is written, and contains exercises
in arithmetic and geometry, including FRACTIONs, notation,
QUADRILATERALs, and AREAs. The ancient Egyptians
determine that the value of pi is 3.1605.

ca. 700 B.C.E.lThe Babylonians identify the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

ca. 670 B.C.E.lThrough their mathematical computations, the
Babylonians are successful in predicting solar eclipses.

ca. 600 B.C.E.lOne of the seven sages of Greece, Thales, is founder of
the earliest known school of philosophy and mathematics.

ca. 569 B.C.E.lPYTHAGORAS OF SAMOSis born.

ca. 549 B.C.E.lPythagoras starts a secret philosophical and
mathematical society that includes both men and women as
members who are sworn to secrecy. They are known as

ca. 480 B.C.E.lThe ancient Greek philosopher Oenopides calculates
that the Earth is a sphere that is tipped 24 degrees from its
plane of orbit.

ca. 475 B.C.E.lA mob attacks a group of members of the secret
Pythagorean society, and murders Pythagoras.

ca. 470 B.C.E.lHippasus, a Pythagorean, violates his oath of secrecy
and is drowned.

ca. 450 B.C.E.lPhilolaus, a Greek philosopher in the Pythagorean
society, believes that the Earth rotates.

ca. 370 B.C.E.lPhilolaus writes the first book about the Pythagoreans.
By this time, there is no longer a threat of death for
discussing the society’s beliefs.

ca. 350 B.C.E.lAristotle theorizes that the Earth is the center of the
universe, around which everything else revolves.

2000 B.C.E. – ca. 350 B.C.E. CHRONOLOGY

2000 B.C.E. – ca. 350 B.C.E. CHRONOLOGY

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