and the work turns into a three-volume compilation that is
finally published in 1509.
1498 lJOHANNES WIDMANwrites Mercantile Arithmetic,in which
the symbols of + and – are introduced in a book for the first
1499 lPacioli and da Vinci flee the politically volatile city of
Milan, ultimately ending up in Florence, where they become
housemates for the next seven years.
1525 lCHRISTOFF RUDOLFFinvents the symbol for SQUARE ROOT,
which is published in his algebra book, Die Coss.
1533 lDutch geographer Reiner Dokkum suggests that longitude can
be determined by using the position of the Sun and a clock.
visits Nicolaus Copernicus, and raises funds to publish his
Narratio Prima,which ultimately gains a reputation as the
best introduction to Copernicus’s work.
1540 lROBERT RECORDEpublishes an arithmetic book, Grounde of
Artes,which is the first to use the plus sign to signify an
excess and the minus sign to signify a deficiency.
1541 lRheticus convinces Duke Albert of Prussia to fund the
printing of Copernicus’s De Revolutionibus,and elaborates
the book with his own trigonometry tables. These are the
first published tables to include cosines, and Rheticus’s
contribution to mathematics is considered to be of
astronomical value.
1545 lFerrari’s solution of the QUARTIC EQUATIONis published in
Girolamo Cardan’s book, The Great Art, or the Rules of
Algebra,but since the world is three-dimensional and
Ferrari’s work dealt with taking a quantity to the fourth
power, his work is thought to be ridiculous.
1557 lRobert Recorde introduces the EQUALS SIGN, =, in his book
Whetstone of Witte,based on his belief that nothing is more
equal than PARALLELlines. Nonetheless, mathematicians
continue to write the word, instead of using a symbol, until
1498 – 1557 CHRONOLOGY
1498 – 1557 CHRONOLOGY