1632 lGalileo writes Dialog Concerning the Two Chief World
Systems,which is not an explicit statement that he does not
believe in Aristotle’s and Ptolemy’s teachings, but is an
obvious attempt at putting forth the idea that they are wrong.
This work lands him in trouble with the Roman Catholic
Church for the last time.
1633 lGalileo is hauled before the Inquisition to recant his beliefs
and save himself from death for heresy. He is placed under
house arrest for life.
lDescartes finishes four years of work on his book Le Monde,
which explains his theory of the universe. After hearing about
Galileo’s house arrest, he decides not to publish the work. It
is eventually published in 1664, 14 years after his death.
1635 lAt the age of 12, BLAISE PASCALreceives a copy of his first
mathematics book, Euclid’s Elements.
1637 lDescartes publishes his most important contribution to
mathematics, La Géométrie,crediting him as the inventor of
analytical geometry.
lDescartes uses juxtaposition to show multiplication.
1639 lPascal writes his first geometry essay at the age of 16,
containing his THEORYon conics that gives us Pascal’s
Theorem. The essay remains unprinted for more than a
century, and is finally published in 1779.
1641 lPublication of Meditationesby Descartes makes him the
founder of modern philosophy.
lThe 18-year-old Pascal invents the world’s first digital
calculator, which he devised to help his father with tax
collections. Only 50 of the machines will be built by 1652,
and no more will be produced. A similar design will not
appear until 1940.
1642 lGalileo dies on Christmas Day. This same day, SIR ISAAC
NEWTONis born.
CHRONOLOGY 1632 – 1642
CHRONOLOGY 1632 – 1642