The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
through formal study, you have the resources of The Facts On File
Geometry Handbookand The Facts On File Calculus Handbookfor
your referral.

The foundation of this book is the belief that everyone deserves to have
algebra made easy and accessible to them. The Facts On File Algebra
Handbookdelivers on this idea in an easy-to-access resource, providing
you with a glossary of terms, an expanded section of charts and tables, a
chronology of events through time, and a biography section on many of
the people who have dedicated at least a portion of their lives to enrich
ours with a better understanding of mathematics. In the spirit of their
dedication, this book is dedicated to you.

This section is your quick reference point for looking up and
understanding more than 350 terms you are likely to encounter as you
learn or rediscover algebra. What is a radicand, a quotient, a polygon?
What is the difference between median and mean? What are a
monomial, a binomial, and a polynomial? Many glossary entries are
elaborated on in the Charts and Tables section of this book, where you
will find a more in-depth explanation of some of the terms and their

The biography section is full of colorful characters. Charles Babbage
hated street musicians. Girolamo Cardan slashed a man’s f ace because
he thought he was being cheated at cards. Evariste Galois was
simultaneously the most brilliant and the most foolish man in the history
of mathematics. There are also many people listed here who offer great
inspiration. The brilliant Sir Isaac Newton did not start school until he
was 10 years old, and he was 20 before he ever saw his first book on
mathematics. Andrew Wiles decided at the age of 10 that he was going
to solve Fermat’s Last Theorem, and he did! Florence Nightingale
calculated that if hospital conditions did not improve, the entire British
army would be wiped out by disease. Her calculations changed the
nature of medical care.

There are more than 100 brief biographies that give you a glimpse at the
people who have made important contributions to the art and science of




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